Modiform is choosing recyclable packs that are made from 100% recycled materials

Publicatiedatum: 15-07-2022

Cool grey and transparent green packs are now the standard!

As of now, Modiform is going to stop production of black packs because these contain carbon black and cannot be recycled. Consumer waste recycling stations do not recognise these products. The choice to stop producing the black packs represents an important step for the packs product range and with regards to a sustainable horticulture sector. This move is a perfect match for Modiform’s ambition to close the material loop. Through packs made from recyclable materials, Modiform offers a fully fledged and sustainable alternative to the black packs.

Disposed PET bottles and fridges
Modiform selects PET transparent green and PS cool grey as base materials for the packs, as both are highly recyclable. The transparent green packs are made from 100% recycled green PET from consumer waste. Additionally, our cool grey packs are produced using 100% recycled PS material from discarded fridges so no virgin material is used! Furthermore, the fact that these packs really are the most sustainable choice is confirmed by the Cyclos certificate awarded to them in certain countries!

Recommended choice of materials
Arie den Hertog (product manager at Modiform) says, ‘We think it is irresponsible to make products when we know that they cannot be recycled. All the black plastic that ends up with consumers is not recyclable and therefore cannot be reused. We have performed extensive research into the recyclability of plastics from consumer waste in European countries. After all, this can differ between countries. This means that we can offer good advice to our customers with regard to choices for materials and adapt our product range accordingly on the basis of local regulations and laws. In this way, we make sustainable choices the default for everyone. We are also happy to share our knowledge; the infographic with the results of the research is free to download to all on our website’.

Only sustainable pots
Last year, Modiform underwent a similar transition with regard to pots. At the time, the company changed its product range for pots into sustainable pots. The Recycled & recyclable pots (R&R) from 100% recycled polypropylene (PP) and fully recyclable. By offering recyclable pots and packs, Modiform is making sustainable products the logical choice for growers.

Modiform offers a wide range of packs for various applications: bedding packs, carry packs, and retail packs. If you're looking for more information, Please visit or contact

About Modiform
Modiform’s focal points for sustainability come together in its Closed Loop Commitment. The material loop can and must be closed. Using the right materials and production techniques reduces products’ environmental impact. The Closed Loop Commitment consists of many building blocks: from sharing knowledge to producing recyclable products made from recyclable materials (like plastic or alternatives like cardboard) for the ecoExpert range. To this end, Modiform focuses on cooperation with a number of chain parties. From breeder and grower, to trade and retail. Modiform supports, facilitates, and develops simple and complex solutions for packaging needs and consequently adds value to the supply chain. Thinking and acting sustainably is in the genes of this family company. Modiform collects materials from wider society and upcycles these into high-quality and unique products as well as innovative concepts.

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